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Multiple Camps (June 16-20 OR August 18-22) 

NOTE: Each camp has the same content.  However, some do register for multiple camps in the same summer.

These are 5 Day camps (M-F), 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM with optional Early drop off and/or late pick up.


AUGUST  18-22 (JUST FILLED 1/20/25 @ 11 AM)  - SIGN UP for  WAITING LIST (in case of cancellations)


Camp Tuition (1 GIrl Camper) = $285

Camp Tuition (2 Sibling Girl Campers) = $530  - NOTE: $40 Sibling Discount when registering 2 Girls.


OPTIONAL FEE: Early Drop Off/Late Pickup Fees - Additional flat $25 fee for the week. This fee is paid to Music Kate (Kate Bryan) on the first day of camp to exercise this flexibility and convenient option to accommodate your schedule the week of camp. 

Indoor & Outdoor Activities: tdoors for free play, musical games, walking on musicThe camp includes engaging indoor activities (Singing, drumming and art projects) along with regular trips oual field trips to Sour Dough Creek, Montana State University, The Bozeman Public Library and Pete's Hill (to name a few)

Camp Location: The Camp is held at Pilgrim Congregational Church (2118 S. 3rd) in Bozeman. The camp is "not" a religious-based camp and doesn't have religious orientation or emphasis.. 



EMAIL PAYMENT  INVOICE (Will be sent to you for immediate payment)

Within 24 hours of registering/submitting this form for this camp you will receive an email Invoice for the camp which is payable upon receipt. The invoice will give you multiple options for payment (Credit Card or via PayPal). IF YOU DON'T RECEIVE and Email Invoice, Contact Music Kate here.

SAVE YOUR SPOT IN CAMP: Payment must be made immediately to save your spot in the camp.


CAMP TUITION & OPTIONAL FEES: 5 Day Camp, Monday through Friday, 9 to 4 PM

Camp Tuition: $285 (1Girl Camper)

Camp Tution: $530 (2 Sibling/Sister Campers)) - NOTE:  $40 Sibling Discount when registering 2 Girls.

Camp Leader & Staff: Kate Bryan (aka "Music Kate") is the camp leader for the camp. She will have staff camp counselors who are carefully screened and highly responsible singers and musicians selected (through audition) through Bozeman High School and music-related referrals from music professionals in the Gallatin Valley


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