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5 Day - All Day Camp with Option Early Drop Off & Late Pick-up

For the convenience of parents, we are offering a 5 Day camp (9 AM to 4:00 PM) with an early drop off (8:30 AM) and late pick up 4:30 PM) for an additional $30 fee for the week. The first 4 days of the camp (M-Th) will constitute a more structured (but really fun) camp environment -- culminating with a Thursday night Family Music Gathering where the girls will share their experiences, songs and art from the week. Friday will a more casual and flexible day, full of fun activities, singing, art and outdoor fun. Parents have the option of attending all or part of Friday (for instance, some might choose to leave early for the weekend, etc). The fee for the camp stays the same regardless of whether a family chooses to participate on Friday or not. 


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